ASSALAMU'ALAIKUM WR.WB In this opportunity I will give knowledge about HOW TO MAKE SLIME, let's see the following contents! HOW TO MAKE SLIME? You Will Need? * 1/4 cup of water * 1/4 cup of white craft glue (like Fox or Elmer’s glue) * 1/4 cup of liquid starch (used for clothes) * Food coloring (optional) * Mixing bowl * Mixing spoon What To DO? Pour all of the the glue into the mixing bowl. Pour all of the water to the mixing bowl with the glue. Stir the glue and water together. Add your food color now – about 6 drops should do it. Now add the liquid starch and stir it in. It should be nice and blobby by now. As you play with your slimy concoction, it will become more stretchy and easier to hold. Explore your slimy creation and store it in a zip bag when you are not using it. How Does it Work? The glue is a liquid polymer. This means that the tiny molecules in the glue are in strands like a chain. When you add the l...